Our Drinks

Each of our drinks has it's own personality and story to tell. Read below to discover what's beyond each label.

Gros Piton

Gros Piton is the name of the larger of the two mountainous volcanic plugs (a volcanic object created when magma hardens within a vent on an active volcano) located in Saint Lucia. It's also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Gros Piton was the first drink made by Saint Lewis Brewery and is the drink that best reflects the original sorrel recipe created by my grandmother. It's truly a Caribbean classic! Sweet, floral, and spicy, just like how my grandma used to make it.

*Best enjoyed over ice

Indigo Jade

The name was made the first moment I tasted the drink. The colour is significantly more vibrant with the addition of Mulberry and when I tasted it, my first thought was "this is pure". I thank Taiwan for introducing mulberries to me and decided to name this drink after Taiwan's largest mountain, Jade mountain.

Indigo Jade was created to sweeten the original recipe for those that aren't used to having cinnamon in drinks. This new creation is made by combining the rich flavors of our Gros Piton with the addition of luscious mulberries.

*Perfect for those looking for something sweeter to cut down on some of the spice.

Botanical Trail Tea

St. Lucia's Botanical Gardens is the oldest botanical garden on the island of Saint Lucia. The botanical garden is located in the town of Soufrière, which is also home to the volcanic Sulphur springs. Learn more about the Botanical Gardens

By adding multiple kinds of fruits, green tea and omitting added sugar, we created this drink to maximize the health benefits provided by each of our ingredients and to provide you with a sugar free option.

It has a strong flavor, but the perfect option for those looking for a natural remedy rich in vitamins and minerals.

*You're welcome to enjoy this cold or hot. Add water to give it a lighter taste; adding honey is also recommended for a sweetener.